My sister lived in the Santa Barbara area in the mid-70's. The congregation was big into iridology. The iridologist could tell you what organ of your body was dysfunctional based on your iris. My sister's roommate had rheumatoid arthritis, she was only 26. The iridologist had her on a special diet and she had to do "cleansing enemas" several times a week. It seemed very extreme to me.
As for muscle testing, you can also muscle test emotions. A mental health professional I know uses muscle testing to make her patients aware of negative thinking/emotions. BTW, she is also a shaman (no bone in the nose, sorry). She doesn't tell her patients about the shaman thing since a lot of folks would be offended.
Anyway, it is all so interesting, this mind/body connection and the high incidence of mystery illnesses amongst the ranks of JWs - fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and so forth. I say it's from too much stress! - just my two bits worth....
Mrs R